When it comes to the financial industry, all the service areas are very specialized. This means your IT guy who takes care of all your computers and office equipment won’t be able to fix or maintain any of your financial technology. This area of service requires a company whose technicians are expertly trained and a company that is reliable and trustworthy. There are few companies that fit this bill. One ITM service company we found that does is RMC ATM Solutions. They provide multiple levels of fintech management services and loads of additional products. Plus, they have their own warehouse and a fleet of service vehicles making them one of the best in New Jersey. When it comes to ITM service, only the best will do.
What is an ITM
At its core, an ITM (Interactive Teller Machine) is an ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) with some added capabilities. Where an ATM allows non-teller related transactions to occur at all hours of the day, the ITM can do that plus transactions that do require the assistance of a teller. It allows the bank to place tellers where they normally would not have been able to. By allowing transactions to occur outside of the banks lobby, the bank frees up it’s physical tellers to operate additional business. Adding interactive teller machines gives banks a chance to provide additional conveniences to their clients as well as opening up additional revenue streams for themselves.
Why are ITMs Popular
Adding any type of technology to your business can add stress. With each new advancement in financial technology comes fear of the unknown. Things that clients are unfamiliar with can be scary. Customers may be reluctant to use new machines for fear of doing something wrong. Some people may also feel like they are trying to be swindled with new fancy bells and whistles. However, with an ITM, they function so similarly to ATMs that customers feel comfortable using the machines right away. Plus, when a teller is required, it’s a face they recognize. Not some computer-generated teller or a stranger they don’t know, the face that appears is the banks regular tellers giving customers a sense of ease and trust. In addition, froma business stand point, you can get custom wraps so you also have built-in advertising.
What is ITM Service
When it comes to the maintenance and management of technology in the financial industry, you need the best. This means technicians that are manufacturer trained. This level of training is top-notch ensuring you get the best repair service possible. This also means providing around the clock remote monitoring of machines. The most important piece of ITM service is keeping the machines up and running. Any down time at all can be crushing to your business. These machines are only beneficial when they work. An out of order machine gives a bad impression to customers. With an advanced remote monitoring service, most repairs happen before staff ever knows there was a problem. Lastly, this means the company providing the service has the parts, equipment, and staff available to help a business in need in a moments notice. An ITM service company is no good if they never actually provide any service.
Security is Important Too
One other important aspect of ITM service is obviously security. This means in terms of who you choose to provide the service as well as the security of the machines. Keeping machines up to date with the latest upgrades, patches, software enhancements, and security programs is crucial to an ITM being as beneficial as possible. The best way to take care of this is through remote monitoring and remote system upgrades. By providing this type of service remotely, it often reduces the down time of the machine. The security of these types of machines is so utterly important, you can’t leave the service to just any company.
ITM Service is Crucial to Success
Having an ITM is great, until you have a problem. Or something goes wrong with the machine. Who will fix it? When any bank purchases a piece of fintech (financial technology), selecting the service company is priority number one. No machine provides any benefit whatsoever if it is out of order. This means that the ITM service company selected needs to be fast, reliable, and trustworthy. Finding this combination of characteristics can be tough so research is necessary. Your neighborhood computer geek can’t fix machines like these which is why the training for this industry is so specialized.