It is hard not to want to be outside in the summer. Imagine, you’ve had a long day, but it’s cool outside. You decide to enjoy some fresh air and warm breezes. You’re just starting to relax and unwind. Then you hear it. Buzz. Buzz buzz. It’s mosquitoes. Instantly, you’re annoyed and getting bit non-stop. You can say goodbye to your relaxing evening outdoors. For even the most fervent lovers of summer, insects can ruin everything. Not only are they annoying, but mosquitoes in particular can spread diseases to you and your pets. Thankfully, there are some helpful tips to reduce or eliminate mosquitoes from your yard. Even for organic gardeners and landscapers, there are plenty of great options that help eradicate pests. Making your yard non-hospitable to mosquitoes is important, but so is using a product like MosquitoCure.
Prevention Works Best
One of the best defenses against mosquitoes is removing breeding grounds and preferred habitats. The one thing that fits both these categories is standing water. No matter the size or the source, still water is a beloved mosquito hangout because this is where they reproduce. Just a few inches that is around for a few days will attract these pests. You may think your yard is free of standing water, but we’re willing to bet if you take a closer look, you’ll find some somewhere. Even things like bird baths, ant moats for hummingbird feeders, and wheelbarrows are home to hundreds of mosquitoes and their larvae. It is easy to store your wheelbarrow in a shed or upside down and to remove lawn ornaments that hold water, but sometimes it is impossible to remove it all. That’s why a multi-pronged approach is best. Landscape care and MosquitoCure boost your defenses.
Keep Lawn Well Maintained
Another place that mosquitoes like to congregate is in tall grasses and shrubbery. Where removing standing water reduces the breeding grounds for mosquitoes, keeping grass to five inches or below decreases the hang out areas. You probably notice that you get swarmed by mosquitoes as you walk through your yard in the areas of longer grass. This is because they like to rest in taller landscaping and as you step through the area you are rousing them. Additionally, getting rid of piles of dead leaves and decomposing landscape material helps to knock out the habitat for other pests like fleas and ticks. Eliminating still water and keeping your lawn mowed and manicured will help immensely in controlling mosquito populations. But, in most circumstances, additional steps need to be taken. Using a product like ICT Organics MosqutioCure sold by Tech Terra Environmental reduces mosquitoes and other pests.
Step one, remove breeding grounds. Step two, eliminate habitat. The last step is to attack the pests themselves. Keeping safety in mind, MosquitoCure uses plant-based extracts. The essential oils used are Cedarwood, Lemongrass, Citronella, Rosemary, Garlic, and Red Thyme. These ingredients attach the nervous system of fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes without the addition of any chemicals. Most pesticides are made of toxic substances and are required to be registered with the EPA because of the potential of harm. The EPA does not require registration for MosquitoCure because it poses such little threat to humans. Products like this are called biopesticides. This product is so safe that there are no reentry requirements and it can be used around people, pets, fish, and water. With all these positive characteristics, when you add in that it is effective for around four weeks, it’s hard to understand why anyone wouldn’t use it.
Use MosquitoCure as Part of Your Defense
Insects are termed pests for a reason. Not only are they annoying, many of them can transmit deadly and harmful diseases. They are popular for ruining many a party. In order to control them in the best way, you need to perform multiple steps. It is crucial to reduce or remove their preferred breeding and nesting habitats. These are pools of standing water low in oxygen and long, unkempt grass and landscaping. However, in order to fully eradicate these nuisances, you need to go on the attack. Using a biopesticide like MosquitoCure gives you peace of mind that your family and pets are safe and that you’ve removed the threat of mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks for four weeks.