Looking for Computer Repair in Ocean County?

A frustrated employee seeks computer repair in Ocean County.

A frustrated employee seeks computer repair in Ocean County.

If you’re like most Americans, your computer is probably a big part of your life. That’s why it can be such a big problem when your computer doesn’t work correctly.

A computer that is acting up, giving you blue screens, slowing down, or just plain not cooperating can have an impact on both your fun and your productivity. It can prevent you from playing your favorite computer games, get in the way when you’re trying to Facebook with friends, or make it harder for you to get your day’s work done so you can relax with a glass of wine.

Before you seek out computer repair, it’s important to understand what the issue might be. For instance, one problem could be:

You Don’t Meet The System Requirements

Did you recently upgrade your favorite software to a new version and now it doesn’t run as well? Did you move on to the next version of Windows and install it on your older computer? Did you get the latest video game and find that it can barely run on your system? Chances are, your computer doesn’t meet the system requirements for this software.

System requirements are the bare minimum specs that a computer should have to run any given piece of software, including hard drive space, RAM, the type of video card you have, and other factors.

Even if you meet the requirements, if you’re close to maxing them out you could see slowdowns anyway. That means it’s either time for a new computer or that it’s best to go back to the older software. It’s hard to keep up with the latest!

Another problem you might have is:

Your Hard Drive Needs To Be Defragmented

Though less of an issue these days than it used to be, computer hard drives still need to be defragmented every now and then. What does this mean? Well, data is saved on your hard drive wherever there is an empty space. When things are deleted, it opens up some space. All that space is not necessarily all together in one spot, though. Imagine a checkerboard with a checker on every square. Take away six checkers from random squares. Now put three checkers on the board, all three representing a single program. Because the six that were removed were in random squares and were not next to one another, the three you’re placing down now can’t go next to one another. That means that new program (the three checkers) has to reach around to various parts of the board, i.e. your hard drive, in order to operate. That slows things down!

Defragmenting consolidates all those empty spaces into one big empty space, and also moves all related checkers, i.e. files, together on the drive so they’re easier and faster for the computer to access. This all sounds a bit complicated, but it’s actually very easy to do and can help alleviate some of your computer’s slowdowns. If necessary, seek out someone who does Ocean County computer repair to assist you with this process.

Good luck!